10 Tips to Tone Your Body – Without Diet or Exercise!

To totally tone your body you do have to eat a healthy diet and exercise. But, there is some diet- and exercise-free ways help you get even more toned.
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1. Be Posture-Conscious
How you carry yourself greatly affects the appearance of your body – including your muscles and skin. If you’re a chronic sloucher, then will look out of shape, even if you’re completely fit. Your shoulder blades will stick out more, your stomach will be slightly bunched up, and your chest will look a little caved in – all just because of the position you carry yourself.
To show off how toned you are – and to strengthen muscles for even more toning – work on correcting your posture. Sit up straight, get an ergonomic chair and use proper body positioning.
2. Apply Body-Toning Oils
A major part of looking toned is having taut, healthy skin. To improve your skin’s condition and the appearance of your toned muscles, try using body-toning oils. There are many different types, and they’re easy to use. Simply apply one before bed and let your body absorb it overnight.
3. Change a Few Habits
Whether or not you realize it, the habits you develop affect your muscles. Your body repeats many of the same actions and motions day after day. Often the motions are even performed in the same sequence. Think about it: You
wake up on the same side of the bed, you walk the same distance to the bathroom, stand in the shower for approximately the same amount of time, and so on.
By changing a few of your habits – or even just the order of those habits – you make your muscles work a little differently. That can go a long way to refining and sculpt your muscles.
4. Get Serious About Stretching
No, basic stretching doesn’t count as exercise. Doing a few stretches throughout the day is easy and will help to keep your muscles active, loose, and free of tension. Because of that, frequently stretched muscles can become toned more easily when you do work out.
5. Clean the Bed More
Changing your sheets and pillowcases can actually help your skin to stay healthy, hydrated and toned. So change them at least once a week. Every six months, flip the mattress, so your body gets the support it needs.
6. Sleep Smarter
When you get into bed, your body has a chance to rest and replenish itself, which leads to better body toning. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep for your body to be fit – for most people, that’s seven to nine hours per night. While you’re at it, try to sleep in healthy positions so your muscles, skin and internal systems can rest
7. De-Bloat
Being bloated destroys your toned body appearance – no matter how much you’ve strengthened your muscles. It also weakens any toning that’s taken place. Avoid being bloated as much as possible: Drink plenty of water, avoid overdoing it with salt and eat plenty of foods with fiber and potassium. Use a heating pad when you do notice bloating in order to help reduce it. Use the bathroom whenever you have to go instead of holding it.
8. Don’t Lock Your Joints
One of the best ways to keep your body toned is to keep your joints from locking up. When you stand, exercise, dance, or are otherwise on your feet, be conscious about not locking your knees or ankles. Doing so affects your posture, your muscle usage, and even your circulation.
To make the best use of all your muscles and tone your body in the process, simply keep your joints unlocked as much as possible. That means keeping them from fully straightening.
9. Walk Outdoors
Going for a walk doesn’t have to be a workout, it can just be a relaxing activity that gets you from point A to point B. And, as you walk at a leisurely pace outdoors, you’ll tone all of your major muscles gently and subtly. At the same time, the sunlight will keep your skin healthy and toned as well. (Be sure to wear sunscreen!)
10. Breathe Deeply
Now, take a deep breath. Keep that up all throughout every day. Breathing deeply improves your general health and helps you to tone your muscles. For extra toning power, try holding your breath in or out a few times a day. This simple practice will help to tone the muscles in your chest naturally.
This article is originally published on fitnessrepublic.com by